About Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS):
- CMS also referred to as the Bonn Convention, is an environmental treaty under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme.
- It was signed in Bonn, Germany, on 23 June 1979.
- It provides a global platform for the conservation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habitats.
- CMS is the only global and UN-based intergovernmental organisation established exclusively for the conservation and management of terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory species throughout their range.
- The parties to the convention acknowledge the importance of conserving migratory species, and the need to pay special attention to species whose conservation status is unfavourable.
- Activities by CMS Parties may range from legally binding treaties (called Agreements) to less formal instruments, such as Memoranda of Understanding.
- The Conference of Parties (COP) is the decision-making organ of this convention.
- CMS has two Appendices. These appendices list migratory species to which the Convention applies.
- Appendix I lists endangered migratory species and includes prohibitions regarding the take of these species.
- Appendix II lists species that have an ‘unfavourable conservation status’ (as per the conditions set out in the Convention) and encourages range states to draft range-wide agreements for conservation and management of these species.
- India and CMS:
- India has been a party to the CMS since 1983.
- India has also signed non-legally binding MOU with CMS on the conservation and management of Siberian Cranes (1998), Marine Turtles (2007), Dugongs (2008) and Raptors (2016).

About First Loss Default Guarantee (FLDG):
- What is it? FLDG is a lending model between fintech firms and their partner banks and non-banking finance companies where the initial hit on a default is taken by the fintech firm that originated the loan.
- Under these agreements, the fintech originates a loan and promises to compensate the partners up to a pre-decided percentage in case customers fail to repay.
- The bank/NBFC partners lend through the fintech but from their books.
- Advantages:
- FLDG helps expand the customer base of traditional lenders but relies on the fintech's underwriting capabilities.
- It will also rationalise the existing prudential norms to implement resolution plans in respect of exposures affected by natural calamities.
What is FinTech?
- Fintech, a combination of the terms “financial” and “technology,” is the application of new technological advancements to products and services in the financial industry.
- It refers to the application of software and hardware to financial services and processes, making them faster, easier to use and more secure.
- The fintech industry includes everything from payment processing solutions to mobile banking apps.
- Some examples include mobile banking, peer-to-peer payment services, automated portfolio managers or trading platforms.

About TAPI Pipeline:
- It is an 1,814-kilometre pipeline that aims to transport 33 billion cubic metres of gas from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan and finally, India.
- It is also called the ‘Peace Pipeline’.
- Route:
- It will start from the Galkynysh gas field in Turkmenistan.
- It will then pass through Afghanistan and Pakistan to finally reach the Indian town of Fazilka(near the Indo-Pak border).
- Capacity: At full capacity, the pipeline will transport 33 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas annually from TKM to respective buyers in AFG (5%), PAK (47.5%) and IND (47.5%) during the 30-year commercial operations period.
- The Project comprises the procurement, installation and operation of the pipeline and related facilities within Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Timeline:
- The project was originally conceived in the 1990s, and an inter-governmental agreement was signed in 2010 by the heads of four member nations.
- A Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement was signed in December 2010, and a bilateral gas sale agreement was signed in May 2013.
- In February 2018, a ground-breaking ceremony for Afghanistan's section of the TAPI gas pipeline was held in the western Afghan city of Herat.
- Financing:
- The TAPI project is being funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which is also acting as transaction adviser for the development.
- Turkmenistan took a loan of $700m from the Islamic Development Bank for financing the project in December 2016.
- The remaining three countries made an initial investment of $200m in the TAPI project.

About Amrabad Tiger Reserve (ATR):
- Location: It is located in the Nagarkurnool and Nalgonda districts in the southern part of Telangana.
- Spread over 2611.4 square kilometers, it is one of the largest tiger reserves in India.
- It was notified as a sanctuary in 1983, and after the State bifurcation, it was declared as Amarabad Tiger Reserve in 2015.
- ATR covers a part of the Nallamala Forest and is home to a variety of flora and fauna.
- The hilly terrain of this Tiger Reserve, with deep valleys and gorges, forms the catchment of the Krishna River.
- Flora:
- Dense grass occurs in 30% of the area and is scattered in an additional 20%.
- Dominant tree species include Terminalia tomentosa, Hardwickia binata, Madhuca latifolia. Diospyros melanoxylon, Gardenia latifolia etc.
- Fauna:
- Major wild animals found are Tiger, Leopard, Wild dog, Indian Wolf, Indian fox, Rusty-spotted cat, Small Indian civet, Sloth bear, Honeybadger, Wild boar etc.
- Over 303 bird species have been identified in this region. Some important groups include Eagles, Pigeons, Doves, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers, Drongos etc.

About Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT):
- GMRT is a low-frequency radio telescope that helps investigate various radio astrophysical problems ranging from nearby solar systems to the edge of the observable universe.
- Location: It is located at Khodad, 80 km north of Pune, Maharashtra.
- It is a project of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), operating under the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR).
- The telescope is operated by the National Centre of Radio Astrophysics (NCRA). NCRA is a part of the TIFR, Mumbai.
- It consists of 30 fully- steerable dish-type antennas of 45-meter diameter each, spread over a 25-km region.
- GMRT is presently the world’s largest radio telescope operating at meter wavelength.
- It was recently upgraded with new receivers, after which it is also known as the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT).
What are Pulsars?
- Pulsars are rotating neutron stars observed to have pulses of radiation at very regular intervals that typically range from milliseconds to seconds.
- Pulsars have very strong magnetic fields which funnel jets of particles out along the two magnetic poles.
- These accelerated particles produce very powerful beams of light.
- Often, the magnetic field is not aligned with the spin axis, so those beams of particles and light are swept around as the star rotates.
- Pulsars are among the few celestial objects that emit circular polarised light.

About RuPay card:
- It is an Indian domestic card scheme conceived and launched by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
- Its mission is to fulfil the Reserve Bank of India’s vision of having a domestic, open-loop and multilateral system of payments in India.
- It works to enable electronic payment at all Indian banks and financial institutions.
- Benefits of RuPay Card
- Lower cost and affordability: Since the transaction processing will happen domestically, it would lead to a lower cost of clearing and settlement for each transaction. This will make the transaction cost affordable and will drive the usage of cards in the industry.
- Customized product offering: RuPay, being a domestic scheme is committed towards the development of customized product and service offerings for Indian consumers.
- Protection of information related to Indian consumers: Transaction and customer data related to RuPay card transactions will reside in India.
Key facts about NPCI
- It is an umbrella organisation launched in 2008 by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) under the provisions of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
- It is owned by a consortium of banks, is aimed at creating robust payments and settlement systems.

About Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana:
- It was launched in 2015 to improve farm productivity and ensure better utilization of the resources in the country.
- Objectives
- Convergence of investment in irrigation at the field level
- Expand cultivable area under irrigation
- Improve On-farm water use efficiency to reduce the wastage of water
- Enhance the adoption of being precise in irrigation and other water-saving technologies (more crop per drop)
- It consists of two major components namely,
- Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)
- Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP): It consists of four sub-components, being Command Area Development & Water Management (CAD&WM), Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI), Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies, and Ground Water (GW) Development component.
- In addition, PMKSY also consists of two components
- Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) component is being implemented by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
- The Watershed Development component (WDC) is being implemented by the Department of Land Resources

About Agni Prime Missile:
- It is a short-range ballistic missile that will have a range of 1000 km to 1500 km.
- It is a surface to a surface missile that can carry a payload of around 1,000 Kg or a nuclear warhead.
- It incorporates new propulsion systems and composite rocket motor
casings as well as advanced navigation and guidance systems.
What is a ballistic missile?
- Ballistic Missiles are launched directly into the upper layers of the earth’s atmosphere.
- They travel outside the atmosphere, where the warhead detaches from the missile and falls towards a predetermined target.
- They are rocket-propelled self-guided weapons systems which can carry conventional or nuclear munitions. They can be launched from aircraft, ships and submarines, and land.

About Exploration of Coal and Lignite Scheme:
- The period for the extension is from 2021-22 to 2025-26.
- Under this scheme, exploration for coal and lignite is conducted in two broad stages: (i) Promotional (Regional) Exploration and (ii) Detailed Exploration in non-Coal India Limited blocks.
- Benefits of the scheme
- This scheme is required to prove and estimate coal resources available in the country, which helps in preparing detailed project reports to start coal mining.
- The geological reports prepared through these explorations are used for auctioning new coal blocks, and the cost is thereafter recovered from successful allocatee.
What are the types of Coal?
- Anthracite: It contains the highest amount of carbon out of all coal ranks (86%-97%) and it is used mostly in industrial settings and the metals industry due to its high heat value.
- Lignite: it is lighter in colour than the higher ranks of coal. It has the lowest carbon content out of all the coal ranks (25%-35%) and it has a high moisture content and crumbly texture.
- Bituminous: It has slightly lower carbon content than anthracite (45%-86%)1. The wide range of carbon content in bituminous coal warrants uses for both electricity and steel production.
- Peat: It is the starting stage of a coal formation which has low calorific value and low carbon content.

About Kaziranga National Park:
- It is located in the state of Assam.
- It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses two-thirds of the total world population of greater one-horned rhinoceros.
- Flora:
- It is a mix of eastern wet alluvial grasslands, semi-evergreen forests and tropical moist deciduous forests.
- It is primarily famous for its dense and tall elephant grassesintermixed with small swamplands.
- It also includes an abundant cover of water lilies, water hyacinths and lotus.
- Fauna:
- It is home to the One-horned rhinoceros, Leopard, Fishing Cat, other Lesser cats, royal Bengal tiger, Large Indian Civet, Small Indian Civet, Sambar, Barking deer, Hog deer, Gaur, Hog Badger, Capped Langur, etc.
- It is also one of the last remaining homes of the endangered and endemic western hoolock gibbon, the only species of apes found in India.
- It is one of the last homes of the critically endangered Bengal florican.