About Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary:
- Location: It is located in the Palghar district of Maharashtra, 75 km away from Mumbai.
- The sanctuary is spread over an area of 85 sq. km., which is mostly hilly.
- It serves as a vital corridor between Sanjay Gandhi National Park (also known as Borivali National Park) and Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary.
- Landscape: It is characterized by hilly terrain, dense forests, and small rivers or streams.
- Vegetation: The forest is a unique blend of Dry Deciduous, Moist Deciduous, and Semi-Evergreen.
- Flora: It is home to several species of trees, including teak, bamboo, and mango.
- Fauna:
- Some commonly spotted animals in the sanctuary include Leopard, Wild Boar, Barking Deer, Langur, Bonnet and Rhesus Macaque and Black-naped Hare.
- A multitude of birds, including the Crested Serpent-eagle, Jungle Owlet, White-eyed Buzzard, Oriental Honey-buzzard, Emerald Dove, and Heart-spotted Woodpecker, can be found here.
- Several ancient temples are within its boundaries. The most famous of these temples is the Tungareshwar Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva.

About MeerKAT Radio Telescope:
- MeerKAT is a connected array of radio telescopes located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa.
- It was originally known as the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT), which would consist of 20 receptors. When the South African government increased the budget to allow the building of 64 receptors, the team renamed it “MeerKAT”, – i.e., “more of KAT”.
- It is part of South Africa's contribution to the global Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project, which aims to build the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world.
- It is a precursor instrument to the mid-frequency component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
- It uses radio signals from space to study the evolution of the universe and everything it contains.
- It comprises 64 dishes, each 13.5 metres in diameter, with maximum separations of 8 km.
- The received signals travel to a subterranean processor building that combines them and allows the telescopes to work together as a single instrument.
- It is currently the most powerful radio interferometer at centimeter wavelengths.

About International Criminal Court (ICC):
- It is a global court which seeks to hold to account those guilty of some of the world’s worst crimes.
- It is the only permanent international criminal tribunal.
- Background:
- The ICC was established by an international agreement, the Rome Statute, on 17 July 1998.
- The Rome Statute sets out the Court’s jurisdiction, structures and functions.
- The Statute entered into force on 1 July 2002.
- Mandate: It investigates and where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.
- HQ: Hague, Netherlands.
- Members: 123 nations are States Parties to the Rome Statute and recognize the ICC’s authority; the notable exceptions being the USA, China, Russia, Israel and India.
- Funding: The Court is funded by contributions from the States Parties and by voluntary contributions from Governments, international organizations, individuals, corporations, and other entities.
- Composition:
- Judges: The court has eighteen judges, each from a different member country, elected to non-renewable nine-year terms.
- The Presidency: Consists of three judges (the President and two Vice-Presidents) elected from among the judges. It represents the Court to the outside world and helps with the organization of the work of the judges.
- Judicial Divisions: 18 judges in 3 divisions, the Pre-Trial Division, the Trial Division, and the Appeals Division.
- Office of the Prosecutor (OTP): OTP is responsible for receiving referrals and any substantiated information on crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court. OTP examines these referrals and information, conducts investigations, and conducts prosecutions before the Court.
- Registry: The core function of the Registry is to provide administrative and operational support to the Chambers and the Office of the Prosecutor.
- Jurisdiction of ICC:
- Unlike the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which hears disputes between states, the ICC handles prosecutions of individuals.
- The ICC is only competent to hear a case if:
- the country where the offence was committed is a party to the Rome Statute; or
- the perpetrator's country of origin is a party to the Rome Statute
- The ICC may only exercise its jurisdiction if the national court is unable or unwilling to do so.
- The ICC only has jurisdiction over offences committed after the Statute’s entry into force on 1 July 2002.
- Relation with United Nations (UN):
- Article 2 of the Rome Statute provides for the ICC's relationship with the UN.
- While not a UN organization, the Court has a cooperation agreement with the UN.
- When a situation is not within the Court’s jurisdiction, the UN Security Council can refer the situation to the ICC, granting it jurisdiction.

About Raorchestes asakgrensis:
- It is a new species of frog.
- It was named after the Eman Asakgre Community Reserve in the Garo Hills of Meghalaya, where it was discovered, to honour the local community’s support in conservation efforts.
- Features:
- Found at an elevation of 174 meters in Eman Asakgre, this small arboreal frog is distinctive for its pointed snout and visible tympanum.
- Males measure about 20.49 mm in snout-vent length, with females slightly larger at 22.8 mm.
- Males call from shrubs at dusk, perched 1.5 meters or higher, with calling activity peaking after the first monsoon rains.
What is a Community Reserve?
- Conservation reserves are protected areas which typically act as buffer zones to or connectors and migration corridors between established national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and reserved and protected forests.
- Such areas are designated as conservation reserves if they are uninhabited and completely owned by the Government of India but used for subsistence by communities and community reserves if part of the lands is privately owned.
- These protected area categories were first introduced in the Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act of 2002, the amendment to the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972.
- There are 220 existing community reserves in India, covering an area of 1455.16 sq.km.
- 108 of the 220 community reserves are in the northeastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, and Nagaland.
- Maximum number exists in Nagaland (114).

Why in News?
- Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) has taken the initiative to host the ICA General Assembly and Global Cooperative Conference.
- The Global Cooperative Conference in India will also mark the official launch of the ‘UN International Year of Cooperatives-2025’.
- The theme of the conference is “Cooperatives Build Prosperity for All”.
About International Cooperative Alliance (ICA):
- The ICA is a non-profit international association which unites, represents and serves cooperatives worldwide.
- Founded in 1895, it is one of the oldest non-governmental organisations and one of the largest ones measured by the number of people represented with one billion cooperative members on the planet.
- It is the apex body representing cooperatives, which are estimated to be around 3 million worldwide, providing a global voice and forum for knowledge, expertise, and coordinated action for and about cooperatives.
- The ICA is the guardian of the Statement on the Cooperative Identity, which includes a definition, 10 values, and 7 operational principles; it is the minimum common denominator for all cooperatives in all sectors and all regions.
- The ICA’s members are international and national cooperative organisations from all sectors of the economy.
- More than 306 organisations from 105 countries are members of the ICA.
- ICA operates a central office in Brussels, Belgium, and four regional offices for Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe.
- The ICA structure also has sectoral organisations for cooperatives active in agriculture, industry and services, consumer retail, banking, fisheries, health, housing, and insurance.

About Artificial Intelligence data bank:
- It is aimed at propelling innovation and boosting the country’s national security.
- The initiative will provide researchers, startups, and developers access to high-quality, diverse datasets essential for creating scalable and inclusive AI solutions.
- It was launched by the Minister of Science and Technology Minister at the 7th Edition of the ASSOCHAM AI Leadership Meet 2024.
- It will enhance “national security through real-time analytics of satellite, drone, and IoT data”.
- It also aligns with the country’s goal to utilise AI for predictive analytics in disaster management and cyber security.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
- It is a field of science concerned with building computers and machines that can reason, learn, and act in such a way that would normally require human intelligence.
- AI is a broad field that encompasses many different disciplines, including computer science, data analytics and statistics, hardware and software engineering, linguistics, neuroscience, and even philosophy and psychology.

About Climate Change Performance Index:
- It is published by think tanks Germanwatch, New Climate Institute, and Climate Action Network International.
- It tracks the progress of the world’s largest emitters in terms of emissions, renewables, and climate policy.
- It was first published in 2005.
- Highlights of the report
- India ranked 10th on a list of over 60 countries assessed for efforts to fight climate change.
- The 63 countries, along with the European Union, assessed in the CCPI are responsible for 90% of global emissions.
- According to CCPI experts, over the past year, India has made considerable progress in renewable energy policy, particularly with large-scale solar power projects and the launch of the Rooftop Solar Scheme.
- Energy efficiency standards have been introduced, but their coverage remains inadequate, the report said, adding, India is also advancing in electric vehicle deployment, especially with two-wheelers.
- The experts said that despite these positive developments, India remains heavily reliant on coal.
- India is among the 10 countries with the largest developed coal reserves and is currently planning to increase its production.
- India and the U.K. are the only two G20 countries among the high performers in the CCPI.
- Denmark ranks at the top (but technically fourth place), followed by the Netherlands and the U.K. The U.K., this year’s big climber, benefitted from its coal phase out and the government’s pledge to halt new licenses for fossil fuel projects

About Cold Wave:
- Cold waves are unusual weather occurrences caused by extremely low temperatures in the near-surface atmosphere.
- Their duration can range from several days to a few weeks, contingent upon the geography and climatic conditions of the region.
- The India Meteorological Department (IMD) defines cold wave conditions based on temperature thresholds.
- For plains, the minimum temperature has to be less than or equal to 10°C.
- For hilly regions the minimum temperature has to be less than or equal to 0°C.
- Health risks from extreme cold
- The advisory cautions that prolonged exposure to cold can cause severe health issues, including hypothermia and frostbite.
- Non-freezing cold injuries, such as Immersion Foot, caused by prolonged exposure to cold, wet conditions, are also a risk.
- In extreme cases, cold exposure may result in fatalities if adequate precautions are not taken.

About Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty:
- It will serve as a platform for connecting countries in need of assistance with public policies targeted towards eradicating hunger and poverty, with partners willing to offer expertise or financial support.
- It consists of 81 countries (including India), 26 international organisations, 9 financial institutions and 31 philanthropic foundations and non-governmental organisations have already joined the Alliance.
- Any member country can access proven best practices from other members and identify potential partners willing to assist in the development of its own national model.” Assistance may be in the form of technical expertise or financial support.
- The Alliance has identified an evidence-based policy basket, which comprises more than 50 policy instruments that member countries can avail support for.
- Of particular importance are the six “Sprints 2030”, high-impact areas which will see target-oriented initiatives catering to the most vulnerable.
- These include: school meals; cash transfers; smallholder and family farming support programs; socio-economic inclusion programs; integrated maternal and early childhood interventions; and water access solutions.
- Funding:
- The Alliance does not boast an exclusive fund.
- It envisions playing a matchmaking role, connecting countries in need with motivated donors and technical support.
- The $2-3 million required annually for its operations will come from member countries and institutions such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UNICEF, and the World Bank.

About Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puruskar:
- It was instituted by the Sangeet Natak Akademi in the name of Bharat Ratna Ustad Bismillah Khan for young performing art practitioners upto the age of 40 years in 2006.
- It is given annually to outstanding young artists in the fields of music, dance, drama, folk & tribal arts and puppetry in a special ceremony held in Delhi and also outside Delhi.
- The Yuva Puraskar carries a purse money of Rs 25,000/- (Rupees twenty-five thousand only), a plaque and an angavastram.
- The reason behind instituting the Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar was to encourage and motivate the young artists in the field of music, dance, drama, folk and tribal art forms and other allied performing art forms of the country.
Who was Ustad Bismillah Khan?
- He was a famous Shehnai musician.
- It was Ustad ‘Bismillah” Khan who also played shehnai at the first Republic Day celebration in 1950.
- He was the first Indian to be invited to perform at the prestigious Lincoln Centre Hall in the United States of America.