23 May 2024 Daily Current Affairs
1. What is International Criminal Court (ICC)?
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) prosecutor is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas leaders for war crimes.

About International Criminal Court (ICC):
- It is a permanent judicial body established by the Rome Statute (1998) to investigate, prosecute and try individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression and to impose prison sentences upon individuals who are found guilty of such crimes.
- Background: The court’s founding treaty, the Rome Statute, was adopted in July 1998, and the court began work in 2003.
- HQ: Hague, Netherlands
- Members: 123 nations are States Parties to the Rome Statute and recognize the ICC’s authority. The notable exceptions are the US, China, Russia, and India.
- Funding: The Court is funded by contributions from the States Parties and by voluntary contributionsfrom Governments, international organizations, individuals, corporations, and other entities.
- Composition:
- Judges: The Court has eighteen judges, each from a different member country, elected to nonrenewable nine-year terms.
- The Presidency: Consists of three judges (the President and two Vice-Presidents) elected from among the judges. It represents the Court to the outside world and helps with the organization of the work of the judges.
- Judicial Divisions: 18 judges in 3 divisions, the Pre-Trial Division, the Trial Division, and the Appeals Division.
- Office of the Prosecutor (OTP):OTP is responsible for receiving referrals and any substantiated information on crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court. OTP examines these referrals and information, conducts investigations, and conducts prosecutions before the Court.
- Registry: The core function of the Registry is to provide administrative and operational support to the Chambers and the OTP.
- Jurisdiction of ICC:
- Unlike the International Court of Justice, which hears disputes between states, the ICC handles prosecutions of individuals.
- The ICC is only competent to hear a case if:
- the country where the offence was committed is a party to the Rome Statute; or
- the perpetrator's country of origin is a party to the Rome Statute.
- The ICC may only exercise its jurisdiction if the national court is unable or unwilling to do so.
- The ICC only has jurisdiction over offences committed after the Statute’s entry into force on 1 July 2002.
- Relation with United Nations (UN):
- While not a UN organization, the Court has a cooperation agreement with the UN.
- When a situation is not within the Court’s jurisdiction, the UN Security Council can refer the situation to the ICC, granting it jurisdiction.
2. Key Facts about Bharal and Himalayan Ibex
Wildlife authorities in Himachal Pradesh’s high altitude, cold desert district of Lahaul & Spiti have started surveys as part of census to estimate the population of blue sheep or bharal and the Himalayan ibex, the main prey of the iconic snow leopard.
About Bharal:
- The bharal, also called the blue sheep, is a caprine native to the high Himalayas.
- Scientific Name: Pseudois nayaur
- It is the only member of the genus Pseudois.
- Distribution: It occurs in India, Bhutan, China (in Gansu, Ningxia, Sichuan, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia), Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.
- Features:
- These medium-sized caprids are 115 to 165 cm (45 to 65 in) long along the head and body, with a tail of 10 to 20 cm (3.9 to 7.9 in).
- They stand 69 to 91 cm (27 to 36 in) high at the shoulder.
- Males are slightly larger than females.
- The short, dense coat is slate grey in colour, sometimes with a bluish shine. The underparts and backs of the legs are white, while the chest and fronts of the legs are black.
- It has horns that grow upwards, curve out, and then towards the back, somewhat like an upside-down.
- Bharal are active throughout the day, alternating between feeding and resting on the grassy mountain slopes.
- Conservation Status:
- IUCN Red List: Least Concern
- Wildlife Protection Act 1972: Schedule 1
About Himalayan Ibex:
- It is a subspecies of the Siberian ibex that is native to the Himalayan region of India, Pakistan, Tibet, and Nepal.
- Ibex is any of several sure-footed, sturdy wild goatsof the genus Capra in the family Bovidae that are found in the mountains of Europe, Asia, and northeastern Africa.
- Scientific Name: Capra sibirica hemalayanus
- They inhabit the high-altitude regions of the Himalayas, including the Trans-Himalayan region, where they can be found at elevations between 3,000 and 5,800 meters.
- It is found in several parts of India, primarily in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.
- Features:
- An adult ibex weighs about 90 kgs, and stands around 40 inches tall, with huge curved horns. Males are larger than females.
- The horns have notches on the front and grow each year.
- They have a light brown to reddish-brown coat, with a white belly and black and white markings on their legs.
- Their coat is thick and woolly in winter, and shed in early summer.
- The colour ranges from pale brown to dark brown, with a darker dorsal stripe.
- They are usually found in small herds, sometimes around 50 together.
- They can run at a speed of up to 50 km/h.
- Conservation Status:
- IUCN Red List: Near Threatened
- It is a subspecies of the Siberian ibex that is native to the Himalayan region of India, Pakistan, Tibet, and Nepal.
3. What is Section 436A of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC)?
The Supreme Court (SC) recently reiterated that the benefit of Section 436A of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) is also applicable to those accused of money laundering.

About Section 436A of the CrPC:
- It was introduced in the CrPC, 1973, vide an amendment in 2005.
- As per Section 436A CrPC, a person who has spent one half of the maximum period of the prescribed sentence as an undertrial shall be released on bail.
- It states that where a person has, during the period of investigation, inquiry, or trial under the CrPC, 1973, of an offence under any law (not being an offence for which the punishment of death has been specified as one of the punishments under that law) undergone detention for a period extending up to one-half of the maximum period of imprisonment specified for that offence under that law, he shall be released by the Court on his personal bond with or without sureties.
- Provided that the Court may, after hearing the Public Prosecutor and for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, order the continued detention of such person for a period longer than one-half of the said period or release him on bail instead of the personal bond with or without sureties.
- Provided further that no such person shall, in any case, be detained during the period of investigation, inquiry, or trial for more than the maximum period of imprisonment provided for the said offence under that law.
- In computing the period of detention under this Section for granting bail, the period of detention passed due to delay in proceeding caused by the accused shall be excluded.
- The SC held that Section 436A would apply to the Special Acts also in the absence of any specific provision.
4. What is X-Chromosome?
Scientists have found a molecular link between altered X-chromosome inactivation and autoimmune diseases.
About X-Chromosome:
- It is one of the two sex chromosomes in humans (the other is the Y chromosome).
- There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human body. This includes 22 pairs of autosomal or somatic chromosomes that are common to both men and women and one chromosome that differs according to what gender a person is (sex chromosomes).
- Each person usually has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. Females typically have two X chromosomes, while males typically have one X and one Y chromosome.
- Men inherit the X chromosome they have from their mother and the Y chromosome from their father, while women inherit one X chromosome from the mother and the other from the father.
- In women, the X chromosome represents almost 5% of the total DNA, and in men, who have only one X chromosome, it represents about 2.5% of the total DNA.
- Early in the embryonic development of people with two X chromosomes, one of the X chromosomes is randomly and permanently inactivated in cells other than egg cells. This phenomenon is called X-inactivation or lyonization.
- X-inactivation ensures that people with two X chromosomes have only one functional copy of the X chromosome in each cell.
- Because X-inactivation is random, normally, the X chromosome inherited from one parent is active in some cells, and the X chromosome inherited from the other parent is active in other cells.
- The X chromosome likely contains 900 to 1,400 genes that provide instructions for making proteins.
- Genetic disorders that arise from missing, additional, or malformed copies of the X chromosome are termed numerical disorders.
- Examples include Klinefelter’s syndrome, where a male has one or more extra copies; Triple X syndrome, where a female has one extra copy and Turner syndrome, where a female has one normal X chromosome and one missing or abnormal one.
5. What is Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-WANI) Scheme?
Public wifi hotspots under the Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-WANI) scheme are nearing the 2-lakh mark in the country.
About PM-WANI Scheme:
- It was launched by the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) in December 2020 to provide affordable and high-speed internet connectivity to the public in rural and remote areas of the country.
- The scheme aims to establish a public Wi-Fi network across the country through the creation of Wi-Fi Access Points (WAPs) set up by public data offices (PDOs).
- The WAPs will operate on an open-architecture system, allowing multiple service providers to offer their services to the public through a single platform.
- PM-WANI ecosystem: It consists of four parts: Public Data Office (PDO), Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA), App Provider, and Central Registry.
- PDO establishes the Wi-Fi hotspots and provides internet access to users. There shall be no license required by PDOs from the DoT for providing broadband internet through these public Wi-Fi networks.
- PDOA provides authorisation and accounting services to PDOs. PDOA provides user interface for the user to buy a plan and keep track of their data consumption. PDOA need not pay any license fees.
- The small shopkeepers can become PDOs as last-mile access service providers and take services from PDOAs for Internet and backend services.
- App Provider, who will develop an application to register users, and ‘discover’ and display PM-WANI Wi-Fi hotspots in proximity for accessing the internet service, and also authenticate the potential broadband users. Startups and wallet providers can become App Providers.
- The central registry overseen by the Centre for Development of Telematics maintains details of App Providers, PDOs and PDOAs.
- How can you access the PM-WANI internet?
- To access public hotspots under the PM-WANI scheme, one needs to download a relevant app which shows the available networks.
- The user can then choose from a list of available connections and make a payment to use the network.
- The user can access the network till his/her balance is exhausted.
6. Emblica chakrabartyi
Recently, scientists have reported the discovery of a new plant species Emblica chakrabartyi from Adichilthotti within the Edamalayar forest range of Kerala.