About Anusandhan National Research Foundation Bill-2023:
- It aims to set up the Anusandhan National Research Foundation (NRF).
- It will be an apex body to provide high-level strategic direction of scientific research in the country as per recommendations of the National Education Policy (NEP).
- It seeks to set up a Rs 50,000-crore fund, with a sizeable contribution from the private sector, to "seed, grow and promote" research and development (R&D) and foster a culture of research and innovation throughout India's universities, colleges, research institutions, and R&D laboratories.
- It seeks to set up different funds:
- Anusandhan National Research Foundation Fund: For the financing of activities under the Act.
- Innovation Fund: For supporting outstanding creativity in the areas supported by the foundation
- Science and Engineering Research Fund: For the continuation of the projects and programmes initiated under the Science and Engineering Research Board Act, 2008.
- One or more special-purpose funds for any specific project or research.
- Functions of NRF:
- NRF will forge collaborations among the industry, academia, and government departments and research institutions and create an interface mechanism for the participation and contribution of industries and state governments in addition to the scientific and line ministries.
- It will focus on creating a policy framework and putting in place regulatory processes that can encourage collaboration and increased spending by the industry on R&D.
- Structure of NRF:
- It will have a governing board consisting of 15 to 25 eminent researchers and professionals headed by the prime minister, who will be the ex-officio president.
- The education minister and the science and technology Minister will be the vice presidents of the NRF.
- The Department of Science and Technology (DST) will be the administrative department of NRF,
- The proposed foundation will also have an executive council under the principal scientific adviser.

About Samudrayaan Project:
- It is India’s first manned mission to explore the deep ocean.
- It is designed to study the deep ocean resources and conduct biodiversity assessments as well.
- The mission will not disturb the ecosystem as the submersible is used solely for exploration purposes.
- The project is part of the larger Deep Ocean Mission, which supports the Central Government’s Blue Economy policy.
- The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) is the nodal ministry to implement this multi-institutional ambitious mission.
What is MATSYA 6000?
- It is a manned submersible vehicledeveloped by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai.
- It was developed under the Samudrayaan mission to facilitate humans in the deep ocean in exploring mineral resources.
- It is designed with the capability of operating in the deep sea for 12 hours while in case of emergency, it can also operate up to 96 hours with all the necessary measures for human safety.
- Expected to be launched in 2024-25, it would make India only one among six countries (US, Russia, Japan, France, and China) to have piloted a crewed under-sea expedition beyond 5,000 metres.
Key Facts about Deep Ocean Mission:
- It is a mission-mode project to support the Blue Economy Initiatives of the Government of India.
- It is a high-level multi-ministerial, multi-disciplinary programme for a better understanding of the deep sea living and non-living resources of the Indian Ocean.
- It will aid in India’s efforts to attain the Blue Economy status.
- It aims to develop technologies to harness living and non-living resources from the deep oceans.
- The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) will be the nodal Ministry implementing this multi-institutional Mission.
- The estimated cost of the Mission will be 4077 crores for a period of 5 years (2021-26) to be implemented in a phase-wise manner.
- The Mission consists of six major components:
- Development of Technologies for Deep Sea Mining and Manned Submersible and Underwater Robotics;
- Development of Ocean Climate Change Advisory Services;
- Technological innovations for exploration and conservation of deep-sea biodiversity;
- Deep Ocean Survey and Exploration;
- Energy and freshwater from the Ocean;
- Advanced Marine Station for Ocean Biology;

About Digital Health Incentives Scheme (DHIS):
- The DHIS was launched with effect from 1st January, 2023 as part of the ABDM.
- The scheme aims to give a further boost to digital health transactions in the country under the ABDM.
- The incentives under this scheme would be provided to hospitals and diagnostic labs and also to the providers of digital health solutions such as Hospital/ Health Management Information System (HMIS) and Laboratory Management Information System (LMIS).
- Under the DHIS, the eligible health facilities and digital solutions companies shall be able to earn financial incentives of up to Rs. 4 crores based on the number of digital health records they create and link to ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account).
- Incentives would be provided to the following entities:
- Health Facilities having 10 or more beds;
- Laboratory/radiology diagnostics centres;
- Digital Solution Companies (entities providing ABDM enabled digital solutions);
- The incentives shall be provided on the basis of the number of ABHA-linked transactions e., the digital health records created and linked to ABHA.
What is the National Health Authority (NHA)?
- It is the apex body responsible for implementing AB PM-JAY.
- It has been entrusted with the role of designing strategy, building technological infrastructure and implementation of “National Digital Health Mission '' to create a National Digital Health Eco-system.
- It is the successor of the National Health Agency, which has been functioning as a registered society since 2018. Pursuant to Cabinet decision for full functional autonomy, National Health Agency was reconstituted as the National Health Authority in January 2019.
- Structure:
- An attached office of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with full functional autonomy, NHA is governed by a Governing Board chaired by the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare.
- It is headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), an officer of the rank of Secretary to the Government of India, who manages its affairs.
- The CEO is the Ex-Office Member Secretary of the Governing Board.
- To implement the scheme at the State level, State Health Agencies (SHAs) in the form of a society/trust have been set up by respective States.

About Raynaud’s Phenomenon:
- It is a condition that causes the blood vessels in the extremities to narrow, restricting blood flow.
- The episodes or “attacks” usually affect the fingers and toes.
- In rare cases, attacks occur in other areas such as the ears or nose.
- An attack usually happens from exposure to cold or emotional stress.
- During a Raynaud’s attack, the arterioles and capillaries in your fingers and toes tighten more than they should.
- Types of Raynaud’s: This condition is named for the French doctor who first identified it in 1862. You may hear it called by many names. There are two types:
- Primary Raynaud’s(or Raynaud’s disease):
- It happens without any other illness behind it.
- The symptoms are often mild.
- Secondary Raynaud’s (Raynaud’s syndrome, Raynaud’s phenomenon):
- It results from another illness.
- It’s often a condition that attacks your body’s connective tissues, like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
- It’s less common, but it’s more likely to cause serious health problems. This can include things like skin sores and gangrene. These happen when cells and tissue in your toes and fingers die from lack of blood.
- Primary Raynaud’s(or Raynaud’s disease):
- In most people, lifestyle changes such as staying warm keep symptoms under control, but in severe cases, repeated attacks lead to skin sores or gangrene (death and decay of tissue).
- The treatment depends on how serious the condition is and whether it is the primary or secondary form.

About Neerakshi:
- It is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) designed to detect mines.
- Named “Neerakshi” meaning “Eyes in the Water” is first of its kind in the country and is expected to undergo user trials by the Indian Navy, Coast Guard, and Army before a commercial launch.
- It is a collaboration of Kolkata-based warship maker Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Ltd and MSME entity Aerospace Engineering Private Ltd (AEPL).
- The AUV, currently capable of mine detection, is part of GRSE's broader ambitions to create autonomous sea surface vehicles, sea-based drones, and explore green propulsion technologies.
- Features:
- It can be used for a variety of functions ranging from mine detection to mine disposal to underwater survey,
- It is a 2.1-metre long cylindrical unmanned vehicle about a foot in diameter and weighing around 45 kg.
- It has an endurance of nearly 4 hours, and is capable of operating up to a depth of 300m.

About Sahakar 22:
- This initiative of NCDC included the following:
- FOCUS 222 – NCDC’s focused assistance for Cooperatives in 222 Districts (including 117 Aspirational Districts identified by NITI Aayog);
- PACS HUB – Transformation of PACS and other Coops as Apna Kisan Resource Centres;
- AENEC - Act East and North East Cooperatives;
- CEMtC - Centres of Excellence to Market through Cooperatives;
- SAHAKAR PRAGYA - Capacity Development through Laxmanrao Inamdar National Academy for Cooperative Research Development (LINAC).
Key Facts about NCDC
- The National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) was established by an Act of Parliament in 1963 as a statutory Corporation.
- Nodal Ministry: The Ministry of Cooperation.
- Functions
- Planning, promoting and financing programmes for production, processing, marketing, storage, export and import of agricultural produce, food stuffs, certain other notified commodities e.g., fertilisers, insecticides, agricultural machinery, lac, soap, kerosene oil, textile, rubber etc.,
- Supply of consumer goods and collection, processing, marketing, storage and export of minor forest produce through cooperatives, besides income generating stream of activities such as poultry, dairy, fishery, sericulture, handloom etc.

Why in news?
- Iraq becomes the 50th country to be acknowledged by the United Nations health agency for eliminating at least one neglected tropical disease globally.
About Trachoma:
- It is a disease of the eye caused by infection with the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
- It is a public health problem in 42 countries, and is responsible for the blindness or visual impairment of about 1.9 million people.
- Blindness from trachoma is irreversible.
- It is a neglected tropical disease and the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness.
- How it spreads?
- Infection spreads through personal contact (via hands, clothes, bedding or hard surfaces) and by flies that have been in contact with discharge from the eyes or nose of an infected person.
- With repeated episodes of infection over many years, the eyelashes may be drawn in so that they rub on the surface of the eye.
- This causes pain and may permanently damage the cornea.
- To eliminate trachoma as a public health problem, WHO recommends the SAFE strategy.
- The SAFE strategy includes: Surgery to treat the blinding stage (trachomatous trichiasis); Antibiotics to clear the infection, particularly the antibiotic azithromycin; Facial cleanliness and Environmental improvement, particularly improving access to water and sanitation.
- The 17 other countries that have eliminated trachoma are: Benin, Cambodia, China, Gambia, Ghana, Islamic Republic of Iran, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Togo and Vanuatu.

About GMP:
- Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards.
- It is designed to minimize the risks involved in any pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product.
- It covers all aspects of production; from the starting materials, premises and equipment to the training and personal hygiene of staff.
- The GMP system was first incorporated in India in 1988 in Schedule M of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, and the last amendment was done in June 2005. WHO-GMP standards are now part of the revised Schedule M.
- There are around 10,500 manufacturing units in India out of which around 8,500 falls under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) category.
- The country has about 2,000 units in MSME category in the country having WHO-GMP certification.
What are the new regulations?
- Companies with a turnover of over Rs 250 crore will have to implement the revised GMP within six months,
- Medium and small-scale enterprises with turnover of less than Rs 250 crore will have to implement it within a year

About Messier 57:
- The Ring Nebula is about 2,000 light-years away in the constellation Lyra and was discovered in 1779.
- The object is exceptionally bright and can be spotted with moderately-sized telescopes.
- It was born from a dying star that expelled its outer layers into space, making it a planetary nebula.
- Planetary nebulae come in a variety of shapes and patterns, some that include delicate glowing rings, wispy clouds and expanding bubbles.
Key facts about James Webb Space Telescope
- This telescope was built in collaboration between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency and was launched in December 2021.
- It is presently at a point in space known as the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange point, approximately 1.5 million km beyond Earth’s orbit.
- Lagrange Point 2 is one of the five points in the orbital plane of the Earth-Sun system.
- It's the largest, most powerful infrared space telescope ever built.
- Objectives: It will examine every phase of cosmic history; from the Big Bang to the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets to the evolution of our Solar System.
Why in news?
- These festivals were organised by Sahitya Akademi and Sangeet Natak Akademi, respectively, with the purpose of celebrating inclusivity and cultural diversity.
- It is India's most inclusive and Asia's largest literature festival in terms of the number of languages represented.
- More than 575 authors in 102 languages are expected to participate in over 75 events in 'Unmesha 2023', and writers from 13 countries will participate in the festival.
- This will be the second edition of 'Unmesha'. The first event was held in Shimla in June 2022.
What is UTKARSH festival?
- It showcases the folk and tribal Performing Arts
- It casts a spotlight on the treasure trove of India’s folk and tribal heritage, endowing these expressive art forms with a resplendent stage to captivate and enthral.
- A poignant tribute to the nation’s cultural legacy, ‘Utkarsh’ serves as a vital launchpad for traditional artists and performers to unfurl their artistry, safeguarding the priceless heritage of myriad communities.
- Amidst its vibrant canvas, ‘Utkarsh’ brings forth a vivid tableau of cultural diversity, nurturing an appreciation for indigenous arts and underscoring their intrinsic value in an increasingly interconnected world.
Key facts about Sangeet Natak Akademi
- It is the apex body in the field of performing arts in the country, was set up in 1953 for the preservation and promotion of the vast intangible heritage of India’s diverse culture expressed in forms of music, dance and drama.
- The Chairman of the Akademi is appointed by the President of India for a term of five years.
- The Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards are the highest national recognition conferred on practising artists.
- The Akademi also confers Fellowships on eminent artists and scholars of music, dance and drama; and has in 2006 instituted annual awards to young artists – the Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar.
Key facts about Sahitya Akademi
- Sahitya Akademi, India's national academy of letters was established in 1954 by the Government of India.
- As India's premier literary institution, the Akademi preserves and promotes literature contained in twenty-four Indian languages recognised by it through awards, fellowships, grants, publications, literary programmes, workshops and exhibitions.
- The Akademi also undertakes literary exchange programmes with various countries across the globe to promote Indian literature beyond the shores of India.