- Introduction
- Key words in Preamble
- Status of Preamble
- Amendability of Preamble
- Preamble as an Aid to the Interpretation of the Constitution
The term ‘preamble’ refers to the introduction or preface to the Constitution. It contains the summary or essence of the Constitution. The ideals behind the Preamble were laid down by Jawaharlal Nehru’s Objectives Resolution, adopted by the Constituent Assembly on January 22, 1947.
The Preamble to a written Constitution states the objects, which the Constitution seeks to establish. It also promotes and aids the legal interpretation of the Constitution, where the language is found to be ambiguous. Therefore, for a proper appreciation of the aims and aspirations embodied in our Constitution, we need to turn to the various expressions contained in the Preamble.
The Preamble to the Constitution of India states: