To crack Navy SSR & AA examination, simply enroll yourself in our Navy SSR & AA and get ready to follow your dream.
Navy SSR & AA Notification Date |
Educational qualification |
AA: Candidates must have passed 10+2/equivalent with subjects Mathematics and Physics and must have score 60% marks in aggregate. SSR: Candidates must have passed 10+2/equivalent with subjects Mathematics and Physics. |
Mode of selection |
Age limit |
A Candidate must be an unmarried Male and age between 17 to 20 years. |
Subject |
Marks |
Duration |
Science |
25 |
1 hrs |
General knowledge |
25 |
English |
25 |
Mathematics |
25 |
Science |
Mathematics |
English |
General Awareness |
Physical World and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body/ Gravitation |
Relations and Functions, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Quadratics Equations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry. |
Passage, Preposition, Correction of sentences, Change active to passive/ passive to active voice. |
Culture and Religion, Geography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbours, Freedom Movement. |
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Heat Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity. |
Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight Lines Family of Straight Lines, Circles. |
Change direct to indirect/indirect to direct, Verbs/Tense/Non Finites, Punctuation. |
Sports: Championships/ Winners/ Terms/ No of Players, Defence, Wars and Neighbours, current Affairs. |
Magnetic Effect of Current and magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves. |
Conic Section, Permutations and Combinations, Vectors, Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Sets and Set Theory, Statistics. |
Substituting phrasal verbs for expression, Synonyms and Antonyms, Meanings of difficult words. |
Important National Facts about Indian Heritage, Arts, Dance, History, National-Languages, Bird, Animal, Song, Flag, Monuments, Capitals & Currencies. |
Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Atomic Nucleus/ Solid and Semi-Conductor Devices, Principles of Communication. |
Introduction to Three dimensional Geometry, Probability Function, Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Derivatives. |
Use of adjective, Compound preposition, Determiners (use of a, the, any etc), Use of pronouns. |
Common Names, Full forms and Abbreviations, Discoveries, Diseases and Nutrition, Award and Authors, Eminent Personalities. |
Metals and Non Metals, Organic Chemistry, Food, Nutrition and Health, Physiology and Human Diseases, Computer Science. |
Indefinite Integrals Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Determinants, Definite Integrals. |
Spatial, Numerical, Reasoning & Associative Ability, Sequences, Spellings Unscrambling, Coding and Decoding. |
Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit on their performance in Written Test, qualifying Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in Medical Examinations.
(a) The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type.
(b) The question paper will comprise of four sections i.e. English, Science, Mathematics and General Knowledge.
(c) The question paper will be of 10+2 standard and the syllabus for the examination is available on website
(d) Duration of examination will be one hour.
(e) The candidates are r equired to pass in all sections and in aggregate
PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in
PFT will do so at their own risk
ADVISORY: Proficiency in sports, swimming and extra-curricular activities is desirable
Note: - Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax, and tartar
removed from teeth prior to examination
Without Glasses | With Glasses | ||
Better Eye | Worse Eye | Better Eye | Worse Eye |
6/6 | 6/9 | 6/6 | 6/6 |
Note: - Applicants declared Permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy are advised not to apply
Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e, from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reversed side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from recruitment
Training :
The training for the course will commence in Feb 2019, with 22 weeks Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Branch / Trade will be allocated as per the requirement of Service.
Sailors are liable to be discharged as “UNSUITABLE” due to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training.
Initial Engagement. The initial engagement is subject to successful completion of training and is for a period of 15 years.
The applications are to be filled online only on website and all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded. The selection procedure is as follows:-
For this entry, the candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY on website from 02 Jun 18 to 15 Jun 18. The procedure is as follows:-
The application may be uploaded from Common Service Centres (CSC) across the country, against a fixed fees of Rs 60 + GST. This facility is entirely optional.
In case of any difficulty faced by potential candidates, they may contact IHQ MoD (Navy) through website:
(a) Mobile phones or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.
(b) Navy reserves the right to shortlist applications and to fix cut off percentage without assigning any reason. No communication shall be entertained on this account.
Promotion :
Perquisites :
Written Examination :
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) :
Medical Standards :
Visual Standards :
Without Glasses | With Glasses | ||
Better Eye | Worse Eye | Better Eye | Worse Eye |
6/12 | 6/12 | 6/9 | 6/12 |
Note:- Applicants declared Permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy are advised not to apply.
Tattoos :
Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reversed side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from recruitment.
The training for the course will commence in August 2018, with 09 weeks Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Branch / Trade will be allocated as per the requirement of Service.
Discharge as Unsuitable.
Sailors are liable to be discharged as “UNSUITABLE” due to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training.
Initial Engagement
The initial engagement is subject to successful completion of training. The initial engagement is for a period of 20 years.
The applications are to be filled online on website and all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded. The selection procedure is as follows:-
Candidates who yearn for the exclusive challenges of operating below the surface of Ocean in the highly technical Submarine arm, with its associated perks & privileges, can volunteer whilst filling the online application form. Candidates who volunteer for submarine arm and are selected in merit will be considered for submarine-specialization. The volunteers for the Submarine Arm will be subjected to Submarine Arm Medical Standards stipulated in Navy Order (Spl) 01/2008. Extract of the Navy Order can be accessed from the official recruitment website
(a) Chef:
They would be required to prepare food as per menu (both vegetarian and non-vegetarian including handling of meat products) and accounting of ration. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirement.
(b) Steward:
They would be required to serve food in the officers’ messes, as waiters, housekeeping, accounting of funds, wine and stores, preparation of menu etc. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirement.
(c) Hygienist:
They will be required to clean washroom, shower spaces and other areas. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirement.
Age :
Candidates should be born between
Pay & Allowances :
Promotion :
Perquisites :
During the entire period of training and thereafter, sailors are given books, reading material, uniforms, food and accommodation as per entitlement.
Rent Allowances :
Insurance Cover :
Insurance cover of Rs. 50 lakhs (on contribution) is admissible for sailors
Computer-based Examination :
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) :
Visual Standards (Distant Vision only).
Type of Entry | Without Glasses | With Glasses | ||
Chefs/ Stewards/ Hygienists | Better Eye | Worse eye | Better Eye | Worse eye |
6/6 | 6/9 | 6/6 | 6/6 |
Note: Applicants declared Permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy are advised not to apply.
Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reversed side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from recruitment
The training for the course will commence in Apr 20, with 15 weeks Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Branch/ Trade will be allocated as per the requirement of Service.
Discharge as “Unsuitable”
Sailors are liable to be discharged as “UNSUITABLE” due to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training. Sailors are also liable to be discharged at any stage of training if their documents are found to be falsified at any stage of recruitment.
Initial Engagement
The initial engagement is subject to successful completion of training. The initial engagement is for a period of 15 years.
Examination Fee :
Candidates (except SC/ST candidates, who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 205/- (Rupees Two hundred five only) through online mode by using net banking or by using Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Debit Card/ UPI. Admit Card for the online examination will be issued to those candidates who have successfully submitted the application and examination fee or are entitled to waiver off examination fee.
The applications are to be filled online only on website and all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded. The selection procedure is as follows :
For this entry, the candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY on the official website from 26 Jul 19 to 01 Aug 19. The procedure is as follows:-
During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training, they will be placed in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix (₹ 21,700- ₹69,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable).
Promotion prospects exist up to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer-I, i.e. Level 8 of the Defence Pay Matrix (₹ 47,600- ₹ 1, 51,100) plus MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable). Opportunities for promotion to commissioned officer also exist for those who perform well and qualify the prescribed examinations.
(a) During the entire period of training and thereafter, sailors are given books, reading material, uniforms, food and accommodation etc. free of cost.
(b) Sailors are entitled to medical treatment, Leave Travel Concessions for self and dependents, Group Housing Benefits and other privileges. Sailors are also entitled to Annual and Casual Leave, Children Education and House Rent
Post retirement benefits include pension, gratuity and Leave encashment. All perquisites are extended as per service conditions and their eligibility/ admissibility is regulated as per government orders in force and amended from time to time.
Insurance cover (on contribution) of Rs 37.50 lakhs for all sailors is applicable.
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