Indian army has published the notification for SSC Tech 56 men and SSC Tech 27 women for the course commencing at OTA Chennai from April 2021
'A white elephant' means
an elephant with white skin
a costly thing
a costly and useful thing
a costly and useless thing
By and By means
Slowly and gradually
At rapid pace
go for shopping
Buy new things
Choose the correct meaning of the idiom.
Once in a Blue Moon
Once in a while.
Happens regularly.
Happens very rarely.
Something that never happens.
Directions: Choose the correct meaning of the idiom and mark the answer.
A hard nut to crack
One who is very obstinate
A very difficult child
A walnut or a fruit
A problem difficult to be solved
Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words.
Baseball : Diamond
Golf : Arena
Boxing : Court
Curling : Rink