Plural Forms and other words for UPSC CAPF AC Examination
For aspirants of the UPSC CAPF AC Examination, understanding Phrasal Verbs holds significant importance, especially for Paper 2, ( General Studies, Essay, and Comprehension) . This section contains 5 questions, each carrying 2 marks, adding up to a total of 10 marks.
In previous years, questions related to phrasal verbs have been posed.
We need to write one sentence each using the following phrases and words to bring out their meaning clearly . Do not change the form of the given phrases .
Plural forms questions asked in UPSC CAPF AC 2017 Examination :
we need to give the plural form of the following words and make sentences using the plural form :
1. Alga - algae.
Algae are a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms found in various aquatic environments.
2. Child - children.
The school playground was filled with happy children playing games.
3. Formula - formulas.
Scientists use a wide range of mathematical formulas to solve complex problems.
4. Syllabus – syllabi / syllabuses
The professors distributed the syllabi for all the courses at the beginning of the semester.
5. Thesis - theses
Many students were presenting their theses at the research conference.